Summer school in the form of a conference
The theme of this conference, which took place in June 2021, was "The Challenges of Management: Social – Technological – Global". Maintaining the tradition of organising inspiring meetings with authorities from the field of management science, the conference invited participants to take part in joint discussions, panel debates and the exchange of views. The aim of the 2020/21 Summer School of Management was to deepen the debate about research methods, the results of their application and the latest trends and challenges in management. This was the latest edition of the event.

We always start with communication
Before the event, for the convenience of all participants, we prepared a special tutorial on the platform, which we included in the invitation sent by email. This is an important element that allows you to get used to the new tool and makes it easier to connect on the day of the event.
We also planned the communication during the event, with responsibility for sending push messages regarding the most interesting activities that the organisers had prepared for the participants.
The extensive online world
The Summer School of Management, which was an online scientific conference, featured over 20 different lectures, speeches and workshops, taking place on 7 different virtual stages. A total of over 70 speakers shared their knowledge during the event.
There were also 5 different workshops prepared for the participants during the conference (some of them simultaneous), which were made available on the Zoom platform. We included links to the meetings in the chats of the individual stages – that way, the participants knew exactly when and how to join the meeting they were interested in.
Another challenge was the poster session. Participants were able to see as many as 27 poster works during the conference in a specially designed space on the platform. They were not only able to see the poster, but they could also talk to the person who’d created it through a video conference.
A conference also about networking
The organisers wanted to reproduce the feeling of an on-site conference in the virtual world as much as possible. Hence, a lot of emphasis was placed on the interaction between participants. They could all talk to any other conference participant via a private chat or arrange a video chat with them.
There were also chats available on the main stages for participants to comment directly on the individual lectures and debates. Anyone interested, at any time, could ask questions in the chat or connect to a specially prepared online room where they could ask the speakers a question by video.
To help the group integrate even further, we created dedicated rooms where participants could talk freely, while one evening even ended with a workshop with a professional sommelier.

Lively for the Summer School of Management
Our work mainly consisted of preparing a series of rehearsals with the speakers and organisers, creating a dedicated platform and updating its content, preparing various BTL graphic formats for the emails and the needs of the platform itself. We also designed the production boards for the stream from the main stage. In fact, we designed the entire visual setting of the conference. We also coordinated all the push messages sent from the platform. And finally, we were responsible for the running of the conference with 7 stages, 4 of them in parallel. We provided technical support for the participants, and coordinated the live feeds, assisting the participants and speakers both before and during the conference. We also compiled all the necessary statistics after the conference.
The platform we proposed for the organisers was the PINE platform, which is one of the most comprehensive online event platforms on the market. Regardless of whether we used Evenea for registration or Zoom for the workshops, therefore, all the materials and streams were ultimately available in one place on PINE.
Online event statistics:
- Participants: 379
- Speakers: 70
- 21 plenary sessions, parallel sessions and workshops,
- 26 poster sessions,
- Platforms: PINE / Teams / Zoom
- 100% online
- Duration: 3 days, 52 hours of streaming