Online science conference
The International Young Scientists Conference aims to create opportunities for aspiring scientists to present their research and scientific experiences. The organisers believe that the ability to talk about your work with like-minded people is crucial for self-development.

Online poster session
During the IYSC conference, poster sessions conducted by young scientists were a key part of the event. We created special spaces on the platform for these poster sessions, which allowed each of the young speakers to conduct a short presentation about their scientific work. Any participant who was interested could simply enter the selected poster space and put a question (through a video link) to the author of that work. The functionalities of the PINE platform meant that we were able to create 82 such spaces, all of which had a clear and legible form for the participants and were easy to move around between selected posters. All these preparations were preceded by rehearsals with the young scientists designed to make it easier for them to give their presentations.

Video-conference platform
On account of the extensive nature of the International Young Scientists Conference, we decided that PINE would be the best platform for the event. The virtually unlimited possibilities of the platform meant that it was possible to prepare and implement all of the organisers' extensive wish-list.

Awards Gala
A traditional part at the end of the IYSC conference is the awards gala for the best poster, voted for by all participants prior to the ceremony.
The voting was carried out using Google Forms on the PINE platform, where a specially prepared menu tab took the participants to the competition questionnaire. Collecting the data in this way allowed the organisers to quickly process and count the votes.
The gala itself was held on MS Teams, streamed live to the PINE platform. The media server was responsible for the visual design, which enabled any content or charts to be displayed in the lower third of the screen, along with the names of the jury and the conference schedule.

Our work involved carrying out rehearsals with the speakers and people presenting their scientific posters. We provided and configured the platform, and also handled the mailing to the participants. In addition to recording a tutorial on how to navigate around the platform, we also designed information captions and lower-third name tags. During the event, we were responsible for production of the final video feed that was visible to the end participant, and also coordinated the online connections and presentations during the poster sessions. Finally, after the event, we also compiled the full set of statistics about it.
Online event statistics:
- No. of people: 200 participants
- 26 speakers
- 82 poster sessions
- 6 moderators
- 20 mentoring sessions
- 100% online
- 16 hours of streaming over 2 days