The 3D printing market is growing rapidly, which is why this annual conference has been organised for the past 5 years. On 21-22 September 2021, the 5th edition of the event took place a the Constructors Park in the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia, and this time it was all completely online. What made this event different? Ecology at the highest level – it was a zero-emissions online conference!
At this year’s Pomeranian 3D Printing Days, the printing industry was able to discuss the following topics:
- Are we able to remotely manage printing production?
- Can I support my clients remotely?
- How can we execute customer orders while communicating remotely?
The theme for the 2021 edition was "Connectivity" and the event was organised jointly by the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia and Bibus Menos Sp. z o.o.

Photo: Lucyna Lewandowska
Online event platform
Both we and the organisers of the Pomeranian 3D Printing Days were well aware that going online would mean new opportunities and possibilities for those participating in the conference. By using the PINE platform for the event, we gave everyone involved the possibility to easily converse with one another in the conference chat, and also share their offers and news. Moreover, participants meetings with representatives of the 3D printing industry from all over Poland, while the virtual Expo zone allowed the event partners to present their offers in a dedicated tab. And all that was possible for people to enjoy without even leaving home; all that was needed was internet access and a connection from any device.
Online is eco-friendly
Online conferences are greener than on-site ones – that is a fact that nobody needs convincing about. What else could we do? We decided to organise a pioneering event in Poland where the priority was on being eco-friendly and which, thanks to our joint efforts, produced zero emissions!
- Working together with the organisers, we managed to balance the number of online and studio speakers. The bright space of the studio allowed us to minimise the lighting and the amount of equipment. We also made sure that the members of the production team could get there by public transport, and not by car. As a result, we were able to organise the first zero-emissions online conference in Poland. - says Szymon Pasaj, Lively CEO.
In line with European Union guidelines, we are all aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030. Many companies are implementing CO2 reduction programmes today, and Lively is one of them.
Environmental sensitivity is one of Lively's values. We are glad that we started down the zero-emissions road with the organisers of the Pomeranian 3D Printing Days in Gdynia, as we were able to accurately calculate and control the amount of CO2 emissions. After adding up the total amount generated during the conference, we will work together with our ecological partner to implement a climate project that will reset those emissions - adds Szymon Pasaj.
Online event statistics:
- Duration: 2 days
- Participants: 150
- Speakers: 12
- Platform: PINE
- 100% online
- 0% emissions