
There is a saying: if you’re not online, you don’t exist.

The wide cross-section of industries that we have carried out projects for – from websites for children, through to the IT industry and the pharmaceutical market – has shown us that no matter how well we know the client and their company, if we don’t provide a good user experience, no plan will succeed.

Tell us what you want to say – and we'll do the rest. We will do the necessary research, organise the workshops, propose the visual identification and suggest how to put what you want to convey into the right words and graphics. We will even help with writing the texts. All in line with the modern web design trends, user experience (UX) and the latest Google guidelines.

Your website is your virtual showcase – a place where your customers and business partners get to know you and your brand. We can help you stand out!

Each website should have a clearly defined goal. You can have elaborate websites that show off your brand and your products, and their job is to sell. You can also focus on the visual side that will work with your image and encourage people to find out more about the details of your brand and contact you or your salespeople. Websites are also created for the purposes of communication, for a marketing campaign or a specific event – and then they’re designed to present the most important information in just a few steps and make it easier for people to get hold of the information they are looking for.

We know that the most important part of the process when creating any website is the user. We design it for them and we want their experience to be as good as possible. Long loading times, small and blurry photos or poor and non-intuitive navigation can effectively spoil their impression from the start, and make it very difficult to regain their interest and, most importantly, desire to return to the site.

Polish Digital Valley website

Creation for a portal that would bring together a large part of Microsoft Poland's activity.


Annual meeting of Takeda’s Polish employees. This time 100% online!

At Lively, in 2020 alone we worked with over 30 different platforms and online tools. As a result, we are able to choose the best match for the specifics of your individual event.