We fell in love with the online mode
Dozens of online events
Hundreds of hours of streaming

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended our lives on all possible levels. We work differently, we learn differently, we spend our free time differently. We have had to abandon many activities for some time, and adapt others to the prevailing new reality. Living with a strict sanitary regime has brought many restrictions, and the constantly changing regulations haven’t made it any easier to plan pleasures such as holidays. We are all tired, and we all need a little rest and respite, as well as some carefree fun free from viruses.
The January school break was one of the biggest challenges of the pandemic. The closure of ski slopes, hotels and guesthouses meant that many people had to revise their vacation plans and put them aside for the future. Thousands of kids, instead of going crazy with their parents in the snow, were locked down at home. Anyone who has ever heard the plaintive cry of "Mum, I'm bored!" at least once during a video-conference will know just how big an organisational challenge it is to combine remote working with childcare.
What can kids do with their free time when they can’t go skiing with their parents or even meet their friends?
How can you reconcile remote working with childcare and organising interesting activities for them?
How can you embrace your professional duties and, at the same time, take care of an energetic toddler who has already had enough of playing alone?

During the holidays, children get bored
and parents have a problem
Bored children means stressed and tired parents. And exhausted parents are employees for whom concentration is something approaching true heroism. Our client, Adamed, decided to support its employees in this very unusual situation. And those are the kinds of projects we like the most!
We therefore worked together to create the programme for the #Boredomproof – Strangest Holidays Ever campaign, which was designed to provide entertainment for the children of the company's employees. As we all know, kids are the most demanding of customers, so the bar was set very high and we had to employ the most effective weapon against boredom – huge amounts of creativity.
To keep lots of kids entertained with interesting activities, we therefore opened the Academy of Mr Kleks.
Mission impossible?
No! A piece of cake!
The most important challenge we had to face was time, with only 5 days to implement the whole project. Working under time pressure is part of our everyday life, though, and organising winter holidays for kids was pure fun. We had a great idea, excellent technical facilities and a proven partner in Smart Kids Planet – it just had to work!
The ‘Creative Holidays’ project was a very interesting one for us, with a varied offer for children in grades 1-4. There was no shortage of physical activities, music workshops, experiments, logic games, quizzes, puzzles, and much more besides." -says Marta Jedynak, Project Manager from Smart Kids Planet. "Most importantly, each of these activities was interactive and fully engaged the participants. We are very happy that we were able to work with Lively on this project." - she adds.
We created a platform with a full-day programme of creative activities for children. During the 10 days of safe online holidays, the children of Adamed employees became students of the magical Academy of Mr Kleks, with over 40 hours of fantastic fun organised especially for them. Boredom simply didn’t stand a chance!
"The 2021 winter break, as we all know, was a very unusual time that called for a different organisation of our children’s free time from usual." says Justyna Wojnar-Świstak, C&B Senior Specialist at Adamed Pharma. "We were delighted to support Adamed parents in this challenge and we showed how it is possible to diversify the time for children. The original and creative 2-week programme of daily activities for kids was run by qualified activity leaders and scientists, combining both fun and learning all rolled into one! The fact it was held online also enabled us to reach a greater number of participants." - she underlines.
And the result?
Stress-free parents, smiling kids spending their free time in a safe and creative way, and yet another successful project to add to our portfolio.