Virtual festival
Virtual festivals are relatively new to the market and surprise numerous people, wondering how such events can take place without the participation of a lively audience. In fact, it turns out that they are not only possible, but also more and more popular. The organisation of a virtual festival is more affordable and convenient. For this reason, this format is appreciated by a growing number of state institutions, associations, foundations, and organisers.

Why should you organise virtual festivals?
Although moving events such as literary, scientific or music festivals to the online world is quite challenging for organisers, such a decision can bring them many benefits. Virtual festivals are a great way to reach new readers and listeners. Thanks to them, the location and timing are no longer barriers, as anyone can join a meeting or concert at any time, from any device (that has Internet access). Virtual festivals enjoy enormous popularity among participants who love spending time at home.
Virtual author events, festivals, or vernissages can be accessed by everyone. It's worth remembering that people with disabilities aren't always able to participate in traditional events, where the music is too loud, organisers use strobe lights, and it's impossible to get to the venue in a wheelchair. In the case of virtual festivals there are no such obstacles, everyone can participate in the concert or meeting, while staying in a comfortable and safe space. Moreover, this option is more affordable and environmentally friendly - attendees don't have to commute to the festival site, they don't generate as much waste, and organisers don't have to rent a room or other space to accommodate everyone.

Professional virtual festivals with Lively
At Lively, we've always been close to the cultural world, which is why we support the NON FICTION Festival taking place live and streamed via social media. In 2020 and 2021, all meetings during this event were transmitted online with a sign language interpreter, and users could ask questions via chat.
We are convinced that a significant number of festivals will continue to be organised in the hybrid format - it’s an opportunity to increase reach, and ticket sales, while making the happenings more accessible for people who aren’t able to attend traditional cultural events for various reasons. Virtual festivals allow you not to exclude any members of your audience.
We will be more than happy to help you organise a virtual festival tailored to your needs. If you aren’t sure where to start or what to pay attention to, you can count on our comprehensive support. Our specialists will choose the right platform and communication method for your festival and target audience. We realise that flexibility is the key to success, that's why we do our best to adjust the plan and schedule of the event to your individual needs.
If there are any challenges during your virtual festival, we will help you overcome them to ensure that you present yourself professionally. With us, you won't have to worry about the technical aspects. Instead, you can focus on elements that are the most interesting - music, books, articles, or poetry.
Are you interested in live broadcast? Check out our offer to see how we can help you with it!
Our clients' events
See some of the events we’ve put on for our clients.
Sometimes they are short webinars, and sometimes conferences lasting several days.
In the online world, you decide. Get inspired!

NGO organizujący największy festiwal reportażu w Polsce chciał, żeby kolejna edycja wydarzenia była w pełni dostępna online. Mieli jeden problem: nie mieli pieniędzy.

Stowarzyszenie RE-PREZENTACJE poprosiło nas o udostępnienie treści wszystkich edycji Festiwalu NON-FICTION osobom niepełnosprawnym i innym które nie mogły obejrzeć spotkań na żywo.

Spotkania z nowościami wydawniczymi, ale również z osobami zajmującymi się ważnymi społecznie tematami, a także wykładowcami i ekspertami z bardzo popularnych dziedzin okołoliterackich.